

DIPLOMAS (eng) / ДИПЛОМЫ (rus)

Diplomas of the Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος conference and Εἶδος Championships of the World, Continents and Individual Countries

Certificates and Diplomas of the International Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Conference  (samples) / Сертификаты и дипломы Международной интеллектуально-аналитической Εἶδος – конференции (образцы)

Certificate of the International Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Conference

Diploma of the International Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Conference

 Diplomas of the Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Championships of the World, Continents and Individual Countries (samples) / Дипломы Εἶδος - интеллектуально-аналитических чемпионатов мира, континентов и отдельных стран (образцы)

Bronze Diploma of the National Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Championships

Silver Diploma of the National  Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Championships

Golden Diploma of the National Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Championships

Bronze Diploma of the Сontinental Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Championships

Silver Diploma of the Сontinental Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Championships

Golden Diploma of the Сontinental Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Championships

Bronze Diploma of the World Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Championships

Silver Diploma of the World Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Championships

Golden Diploma of the World Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Championships

Special Program Documents (samples) /
Документы специальных программ (образцы)

Certificate of the International Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Conference: Crystal Emotions

Diploma of the International Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Conference: Crystal Emotions

Diploma of the International Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Conference: Golden Deeds

Diploma of the International Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Conference: interactive trade and industrial exhibition

Certificate of the International Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Conference: Interactive trade and industrial exhibition

Diploma of the International Intellectual and Analytical Εἶδος Conference: Interactive art festival




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